1/2 cauliflower – cut into smallish pieces
1/2 tspn each of mustard seeds and cumin seeds
1 onion
1/2 tin brown lentils
1-2 cups cooked brown basmati rice
Olive oil for frying
Dressing – yoghurt/coconut yoghurt 2 parts to 1 part tahini.  Juice of lemon to taste – mix all together
1. Blanch cauli for 2 mins in boiling water, then drain and run cold water over it.  Leave to drain further.
2. Fry up the chopped onion in a frying pan, adding the mustard and cumin seeds – allow to soften and release of aromas.
3. Add the cauliflower and fry up for a few minutes until starting to brown.
4. Add in the lentils and rice, cook until heated and serve with dressing drizzled on top.
Recipe by Mikala Duffy