Life commitments can be overwhelming.
Unfortunately, stress is part of everyone`s life, but the good news is that there are plenty of tools to deal with it.
Support your gut
Gut and brain communicate with each other. Thus, a healthy gut is essential for your mental health.
Focus on wholefood, including plenty of veggies and fruits (antioxidants), if possible organic, in your diet. Consume fibre (oats, legumes, fruits, psyllium husk), prebiotic (garlic, leek, onion), probiotic (yogurt, kefir, kimchi, kombucha) and anti-inflammatory (olive oil, green leafy vegetables, turmeric) foods regularly. If you feel like you still need support for your digestive system, come to talk to one of our lovely practitioners.
Herbal therapy
Some plants, such as Passiflora, Ashwagandha, and Oats can be really helpful when your nervous system needs that extra support.
At Vive, we have Naturopaths that can assist finding the right one for you! Book a consultation on the website or come to the store to talk to our staff.
Relaxation tools
A good bath can do wonders. Add some lavender to it to experience its calming properties.
Aromatherapy may activate certain areas of your brain that help to deal with emotions. Try lavender or chamomile essential oil, by rubbing it in your hands and smelling or put a drop in your pillow before sleep.
Vagus nerve stimulation
Vagus nerve stimulation was shown to be beneficial reducing our response to stress. You can do that through:
- singing
- laughing
- exercising
- deep breathing
- cold exposure
- gargling
- yoga
- thoughtful meditation
Practice sleep hygiene
A good night sleep is essential to balance your hormones, assist in body recovery and restoring the brain.
- go to bed and get up at the same time every day
- make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and has a comfortable temperature
- remove electronic devices from the bedroom
- do not use your bedroom to work or activities other than sleep and sex
- exercise regularly
- try a sleep diary
- limit bright light exposure at night
- avoid large meals in the evening
- avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine in the evening
To book in with any of our nutritionists or naturopaths; click this link
For references contact Lais at