12 Easy Ways to Boost Your Mental Energy Levels


It is common for people who are feeling tired and mentally fatigued to flood their system with heaps of coffee, a Red Bull or even something sugary to help them improve concentration and boost energy levels. But these are band-aid solutions that should be best avoided. There are healthier options that can improve brain function [...]

12 Easy Ways to Boost Your Mental Energy Levels2016-10-03T13:46:28+00:00

Healthy Living 101: How to Swap Your Bad Habits For Better Ones


Redesigning your life to better health and well-being requires permanent lifestyle changes. For some people, these are often difficult to make, but should you wish to live a healthier lifestyle, you will need to translate the desire to live healthy into real action. We know it’s not easy so here are some basic tips to [...]

Healthy Living 101: How to Swap Your Bad Habits For Better Ones2016-08-24T05:06:20+00:00

How "Sitting Syndrome" Contributes to Chronic Metabolic Disease


By Marilyn Lemaire, Co-Owner and Naturopath at VIVE   Prolonged Sitting Gardiner (4) conducted a study with 1,958 Australian individuals between the ages of 60-69 to evaluate the effects of prolonged sitting on Metabolic Syndrome.  The results showed that prolonged sitting in women led to a decrease in the HDL cholesterol, poorer glucose tolerance, and [...]

How "Sitting Syndrome" Contributes to Chronic Metabolic Disease2016-08-23T06:26:19+00:00

Metabolic Syndrome – What Will It Take To Change You?


By Marilyn Lemaire and Isabella Walton, Naturopaths at VIVE I wrote this article on Metabolic Syndrome because I have an intense interest on how prolonged sitting contributes to this syndrome (prolonged sitting is covered here). This article precedes that, intended to generate awareness of this lifestyle disease.  “Lifestyle Diseases” cripple our health care system and [...]

Metabolic Syndrome – What Will It Take To Change You?2016-08-23T04:05:28+00:00

Seven Part Series, Part 6: The Brow Chakra


By Jo Smith Kinesiology and Reiki Practitioner & Instructor   Trusting Your Inner Knowledge   Do you want to enhance and balance your insight, knowledge, intuition and wisdom? As we have weaved our way through five of the seven main chakras we are going to explore the sixth Chakra, also known as the Brow or [...]

Seven Part Series, Part 6: The Brow Chakra2016-07-28T07:30:13+00:00

Silver Beet Dhal


Marilyn made this delicious winter dish from the new Australian Women's Weekly  recipe book "Slow Cooker: The Complete Edition". This meal is perfect for the colder weather - satisfying, warming and nutrient dense. We've made some adaptions to the original recipe, increasing the nutrient and fibre density a little. Yum!   What you'll need... - [...]

Silver Beet Dhal2016-07-21T22:52:46+00:00

Seven Part Series, Part 5: Throat Chakra


Plunging into the world of Energy Centres; our main Chakras By Jo Smith | Kinesiology and Reiki Practitioner & Instructor Is Your Throat Chakra Balanced? Express Yourself - Speak Your Truth   We have journeyed through the Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus and the unconditional love of the Heart Chakra to now find ourselves at the [...]

Seven Part Series, Part 5: Throat Chakra2016-07-03T02:28:07+00:00

The Perfect LOW CARB Lasagne


This recipe is seriously delicious! I have made it multiple times for various friends and it always gets a big tick of approval! The lasagne is an adaption of the beautiful ‘Tomato, Ricotta, Kale and Basil Lasagne’ from Gather and Feast. Switching traditional lasagne sheets with the konjac lasagne is a delicious and easy swap [...]

The Perfect LOW CARB Lasagne2016-06-23T02:51:49+00:00

Quinoa Pizza Bites


Extremely tasty and very quick to make, these delicious pizza bites are the perfect pre-game snack to enjoy before the State of Origin! Gluten free, protein rich, and high fibre - you won't have to compromise taste for nutritional value. Recipe from SoVeryBlessed.com Ingredients 1 cup uncooked quinoa 2 large eggs 1 cup chopped onion [...]

Quinoa Pizza Bites2016-05-30T22:36:26+00:00

Do you have “Sitting Syndrome”?


By Marilyn Lemaire   Is it possible that a simple change like “Standing more” could increase life span by years?   There are many recognized addictive behaviors but most of us would have never considered that an addiction to sitting could be having a serious impact on our life span.   The Mayo clinic reports [...]

Do you have “Sitting Syndrome”?2016-05-30T03:34:08+00:00
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