Cooking with Medicinal Herbs….That Aren't Ginger or Turmeric


Spices have been traditionally used medicinally for centuries with knowledge handed down generation by generation. They didn’t need scientific studies to know these natural plants worked, they just did. Each plant, seeds, berry and root containing multiple medicinal compounds and oils that exhibit anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-microbial and anti-allergy action (plus many more!) Now with [...]

Cooking with Medicinal Herbs….That Aren't Ginger or Turmeric2019-01-31T03:44:10+00:00

How Collagen Hydrolysate Can Improve Joint Mobility, Digestive Function & Skin Health


Collagen. It seems to be the new kid on the health block, popping up in everything, from bars to smoothies to supplements, you name it. Collagen has been added to it. With that being said however there has been a significant amount of exciting & positive research  that's been surfacing over the last decade with [...]

How Collagen Hydrolysate Can Improve Joint Mobility, Digestive Function & Skin Health2019-01-31T03:12:37+00:00

Our Favourite Summer Smoothie Recipes


It's good ol' smoothie season again & we couldn't be more excited! Not only are they super delicious & refreshing (this time of year especially) but smoothies are a fantastic way to jam pack nutrients into your day. To make the perfect satisfying smoothie you'll be needing the perfect you have a balance of protein, [...]

Our Favourite Summer Smoothie Recipes2018-11-17T03:41:57+00:00

How to Make Your Own Gut Loving Kombucha


At Vive we absolutely adore Kombucha! Not only is it super refreshing (especially this time of year) & delicious but its contains a wide variety of gut loving bacteria & enzymes which assist in the maintenance of a healthy digestive tract. Ingredients 1 cup Organic Raw Sugar** 5-8 Organic Black Tea Bags (green tea or [...]

How to Make Your Own Gut Loving Kombucha2018-11-16T08:08:03+00:00

How to Maintain Good Gut Health for Healthy Immunity, Mood & Digestion


Mindy Duncan (Clinical Naturopath) For bookings click here It's no secret to all of us that the health of our digestive tract can have significant impact over many aspects of health. Therefore I'm sure we all know how important it is that we put into place daily practices that help us maintain the integrity [...]

How to Maintain Good Gut Health for Healthy Immunity, Mood & Digestion2018-11-16T03:54:35+00:00

What You Need to Know about Supplementing with Beetroot Juice


Matt Steinacher | Naturopath + Nutritionist Beetroot juice is a rich natural source of Nitrate that may be converted to nitrite and then further metabolised to produce Nitric Oxide in the body.  Nitric oxide is thought to be a useful for exercise and performance however the literature on nitric oxide’s use as an ergogenic is [...]

What You Need to Know about Supplementing with Beetroot Juice2018-09-03T00:19:20+00:00

Lowering LDL Cholesterol with Phytosterols


Marilyn Lemaire (Master Herbalist) Phytosterols are compounds that have a similar chemical structure to cholesterol.  They are found in significant doses in vegetable oils such wheat germ oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, corn oil, almond oil and olive oil.  They are also found in in smaller amounts in vegetables and fruits. Phytosterols have the ability [...]

Lowering LDL Cholesterol with Phytosterols2018-07-02T01:01:11+00:00

Three Incredible Health Benefits of N-acetylcysteine (NAC)


Leia Mulroy (Clinical Nutritionist) N-Acetyl Cysteine, also known as NAC, is a derivative of the naturally occurring amino acid L-Cysteine. NAC stimulates the production of a powerful antioxidant Glutathione, promotes detoxification, acts as a mucolytic, cardiovascular protectant, respiratory aid and long known antidote for paracetamol overdose. There are numerous studies to date showing promising results [...]

Three Incredible Health Benefits of N-acetylcysteine (NAC)2018-06-16T05:50:16+00:00

Histamine Intolerance | The hidden cause of your runny nose.


by Leia Mulroy | Clinical Nutritionist Do you experience unexplained skin rashes or itchy skin? How about a itchy throat or flushed face after consuming cheese, eggplant, tomatoes or wine? Continuing irritable bowl symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, excess gas? or maybe you get constant allergy reactions like sinus congestion, stuffy head and running nose? [...]

Histamine Intolerance | The hidden cause of your runny nose.2018-01-25T08:31:03+00:00

The Importance of Stomach Acid in Digestive Health


by Mindy Duncan | Clinical Naturopath We talk a lot about the importance of good digestive health here at Vive. Why pre-biotics are essential, which probiotics are most beneficial for certain conditions & generally how to optimise your microbiome. However, one aspect of digestive function that often gets overlooked is stomach (gastric) acid and its importance [...]

The Importance of Stomach Acid in Digestive Health2018-01-07T13:19:24+00:00
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