10 Day Reset Detox Program | Nutritionist Leia Mulroy


10 Day Reset Detox Program   Treat your self this holiday break by signing up to my 10 day Reset Detox program. Maybe you have over indulged, feeling a little bit fatigued, bloated and just ugh? Or maybe this is just what you need to kick start 2018 and feel amazing! The 10-day plan is [...]

10 Day Reset Detox Program | Nutritionist Leia Mulroy2017-12-29T01:37:26+00:00

The Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms


Medicinal mushrooms have been a key part of complementary medicine for many years, with usage dating back to ancient China. They have wide-spread & potent activity in the body, assisting the body in many ways including modulating immune function, reducing inflammation & supporting brain function. Thankfully modern research is catching up with traditional knowledge & [...]

The Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms2017-11-03T06:18:48+00:00

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)


  by Leia Mulroy (Nutritionist) Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is defined as the presence of an abnormally high number of bacteria in the small bowel. What is unique about SIBO is that the excessive numbers of bacteria colonizing the small intestine, a region usually containing few bacterial populations, are the species that are predominantly [...]

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)2017-11-03T04:31:16+00:00

Post-flu Recovery – Tips & Tricks


 Mindy Duncan (Naturopath) It’s been a really rough flu season this year, with the most recorded cases of Influenza A in almost 15 years. I think it's fair to say most of us need some time to recover & recuperate. A common scenario we see in here at Vive are those who have contracted the [...]

Post-flu Recovery – Tips & Tricks2017-09-03T04:52:41+00:00

Magnesium – The Miracle Mineral!


by Leia Mulroy | Clinical Nutritionist Have you ever wondered why so many practitioners recommend Magnesium? Magnesium is involved in 354 enzyme and chemical reactions in the human body. With 35% of the body’s total Magnesium stores are found in the muscle and 50% in the bone. No wonder its called the miracle mineral! Where [...]

Magnesium – The Miracle Mineral!2017-07-31T22:45:51+00:00

The Many Health Benefits of Hemp!


by Mindy Duncan | Naturopath Now that we will no longer have to make 'body creams' with our beloved hemp seeds and can finally talk freely about the benefits of consuming this delicious seed it’s important we discuss the many, and there are many, benefits of this whole-food nutrient rich food source.   Just to [...]

The Many Health Benefits of Hemp!2017-06-30T23:56:29+00:00

Let's Talk About Flax


                                                       by Therese Hodgkinson (Naturopath) Flax Meal, Golden Flax, Brown Flax   Did you know that Flaxseed (aka linseed) is not only a great source of omega 3 fatty acid but also: fibre, protein, minerals, isoflavones & lignans? No wonder this nutritious little seed has been consumed since 3000BC!! The phytonutrients in [...]

Let's Talk About Flax2017-05-29T01:20:44+00:00

What’s the deal with Prebiotics?


Probiotics have long been a topic of discussion for numerous reasons, namely the well-researched positive impacts they have on many aspects of human health. However their equally, if not more beneficial counterparts prebiotics, are rarely mentioned. So what exactly are they and why are they so important? Firstly....What exactly is a prebiotic? A prebiotic is [...]

What’s the deal with Prebiotics?2022-06-04T04:00:54+00:00

Western Herbal Medicine for Public Health


Written by Marilyn Lemaire | Master Herbalist   Western Herbal Medicine for Public Healthcare As many of you are aware, VIVE is rich with Herbalists.  We are 7 herbalists working in the store and the VIVE clinic.  We love going to the dispensary and drawing on our years of training to make herbal formulations that [...]

Western Herbal Medicine for Public Health2017-03-31T07:47:30+00:00

Daily habits for keeping your gut healthy with the VIVE team


This month the team at VIVE share their daily routines for optimising and maintaining gut health. If you suffer from any kind of gastroinstinal disorder, fixing the microbiome of the gut is a crucial step on the road to recovery. Fixing the root of the problem could also prevent a myriad of other disorders from [...]

Daily habits for keeping your gut healthy with the VIVE team2017-03-02T06:59:16+00:00
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