Non-negotiable habits that keep the VIVE team healthy


Have you ever wondered about the daily routine of a Naturopath or Nutritionist? The non-negotiable daily habits that keeps their physical and mental health strong and on-track. Are there habits that you would like to implement to help you achieve your health goals? See us in-store if you would like to talk more about these [...]

Non-negotiable habits that keep the VIVE team healthy2017-01-31T07:07:30+00:00

Which probiotic is right for you?


By Lena Moynihan, Naturopath (BHSc.) Did you know that different probiotic species have different actions? Increasingly evidence is emerging implicating specific probiotic species and strains in the treatment of various ailments. It can be challenging at times to navigate the vast array of available probiotics. Of course it is always best to consult a naturopath [...]

Which probiotic is right for you?2016-11-11T04:56:23+00:00

VIVE Clinic – Naturopath Bella Walton


What is Naturopathy? Naturopathic medicine is a holistic approach to health care, offering individualized treatment based on natural principles and supported by research-based evidence. This includes optimising diet and lifestyle practices, with the use of herbal medicine and nutriceuticals where appropriate. A little about me… I believe we were designed to live, feel and be [...]

VIVE Clinic – Naturopath Bella Walton2016-05-01T02:50:09+00:00

Let's Talk About Protein


We all know we need protein to complete a well balanced diet and to provide us with the strength and energy we need each day. Lately, protein powder has made it much more accessible to get your daily serve with the ease and variety it provides. Protein shakes, smoothies, bars and balls have been created [...]

Let's Talk About Protein2015-11-04T01:18:44+00:00

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health


Natural remedies which are free from toxins, artificial flavours, preservatives and colours are becoming more and more popular with Australian families. With this increasing trend towards overall wellness in mind, here are a selection of 14 wholesome remedies that will help you to keep your body in top shape all year round. Fusion Bioenhanced Curcumin [...]

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health2015-10-08T22:42:59+00:00
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