Five natural treatments to cope with hayfever this spring


Allergic rhinitis, or hayfever is a condition that affects people all year round, although it is most common in spring, due to the increased pollens in the air. Sufferers often experience an itchy, runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes. The good news is that natural treatments can be highly effective in minimising or preventing the [...]

Five natural treatments to cope with hayfever this spring2024-09-09T02:09:23+00:00

Alkalising the Alkaway


Alkalizing is really just reverting to the way we once lived. Less acidic food, less acidic beverages, less pollution, less stress... If that really is easy for you, then you don't need AlkaWay!   There are many ways to rebalance to our natural alkaline pH level Relaxing, gentle exercise, breathing exercises, alkaline supplements, alkaline diet, [...]

Alkalising the Alkaway2012-10-02T04:36:14+00:00

Spirulina The Super Food


With the theme of spring and detoxification in the air, a great addition to the diet is Spirulina. Vive's Nutritionist Megan Crockart discusses the nutritional aspects and benefits of this fantastic super food. What is Spirulina? It is blue-green microalgae and is the most well known of all the blue-green algae's. There are approximately 1800 [...]

Spirulina The Super Food2012-09-27T23:12:47+00:00

Spring is here! Detoxify your body in time for summer!


Nutritionist Megan Crockart discusses Detoxification What is a toxin? "A toxin is basically any substance that creates irritating and/or harmful effects in the body, undermining its health or stressing the biochemical or organ functions or actually damaging the tissues and organs." (Haas, E 2006) A toxin can come from internal and external factors including drugs [...]

Spring is here! Detoxify your body in time for summer!2012-09-27T22:28:02+00:00

The Natural Anti-Inflammatory – Traumeel


There are many different products on the market for inflammation, injuries and bruising. Not so well known in Australia is the natural anti-inflammatory Traumeel. Naturopath Alex Beck-Brandl discusses the clinical aspects below: The natural anti-inflammatory Inflammation - a highly complex process - is the body's response to soft tissue injuries (muscles, tendons, ligaments, or joints). [...]

The Natural Anti-Inflammatory – Traumeel2012-09-18T06:14:08+00:00

Is it organic? It is Better!


  Here at Vive Health we are strong advocates of organic farming and environmentally friendly chemical free living. Protecting our health and environment utilising sustainable farming practices and removing harmful toxins from our foods will make a difference to us all both now and into the future. A number of points...clearly missed by a recent study, [...]

Is it organic? It is Better!2012-09-10T02:55:35+00:00

Vive Health Eco Friendly Cleaning with Full Circle


  Vive Health now stocks Full Circle's stylish, functional products made from sustainable and renewable resources. Like scrub brushes with sleek, bamboo handles and sponges made from cellulose, a plant-based fibre. Even fully biodegradable pot scrubbers. Full Circle's philosophy is "A life cycle". Every product in our homes has one - from a scrub brush [...]

Vive Health Eco Friendly Cleaning with Full Circle2012-08-31T02:02:22+00:00

Fantastic Plastic? Really?


In 2009, Australians used a mind-boggling 3.9 billion single-use plastic bags. Even though Environmental lobby groups have been warning us about these for years, it seems we still haven't gotten the message. Plastic bags have unfortunate environmental repercussions, as most of them go to landfill, or are disposed of as litter, which can have harmful [...]

Fantastic Plastic? Really?2012-08-31T01:41:32+00:00

Introducing Four Cow Farm Chemical Free Baby Care


Four Cow Farm have created a new range of natural baby skin care products that are suitable for the most delicate of skin and not limited to babies. The products are made from 100% natural and organic ingredients. The Four Cow Farm range was created by a Midwife, Mum & Grandmother who wanted to make [...]

Introducing Four Cow Farm Chemical Free Baby Care2012-08-23T01:34:47+00:00

Influenza Winter and Vitamin D


As winter comes so do the short days and long cold nights. Along with these short sunlight days comes an apparent relationship between reduced vitamin D levels and the incidence of influenza. I'm feeling a little controversial, but is it possible there is a link here? According to Dr John Cannell this might just be [...]

Influenza Winter and Vitamin D2012-06-15T04:14:08+00:00
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