Lavender – feel the serenity


by Megan Sinnett, Need to relax and take some time out? Have you ever considered lavender? It is fantastic for stress relief in the use of aromatherapy oils as it is calming and relaxing, just to smell the oil can lift your spirits. It is great for headaches, just dabbing some down back and sides [...]

Lavender – feel the serenity2011-08-10T06:12:13+00:00

Improving the digestion of breast milk to reduce colic and reflux


By Melissa LeBreton Breast milk is the best food for your baby however; sometimes the food that the mother consumes can cause wind or colic symptoms or aggravate reflux in their baby. This doesn't mean to switch to formula as this can also aggravate the problem and won't necessarily eliminate these symptoms. It just means [...]

Improving the digestion of breast milk to reduce colic and reflux2011-08-03T07:54:02+00:00

Windy Babies


By Melissa LeBreton Most babies have some form of wind that can cause colicky symptoms. This often peaks at 6-8 weeks and subsides between 3-4 months when the digestive and nervous system start to mature. Most babies strain, turn red in the face or blue around the mouth and cry. It can be caused by [...]

Windy Babies2011-08-03T07:46:06+00:00

Infantile Colic


By Melissa LeBreton Mother & BHSc Naturopathy Colic can be very distressing to parents whose baby is inconsolable during bouts of crying. It is estimated between 5-25% of infants have "colicky" type symptoms in the first 3 months of life. Fussing and crying is a normal developmental pattern for the first 3 months or as [...]

Infantile Colic2011-08-03T07:06:50+00:00

What's wrong with refined carbohydrates? Part 1


by Tessa Finney-Brown I'm always telling clients to avoid refined carbs, but sometimes I forget, or don't have the time to explain why. So I thought it was about time to do a write-up about it. Firstly, let's talk about what these are. Refined carbs are any carbohydrate foods that has undergone processing between being [...]

What's wrong with refined carbohydrates? Part 12011-08-03T05:32:29+00:00

Benefits of Fish Oil for Hair, Skin and Nails


by Sean Keenan Nutritionist We have all heard of fish oils and Omega-3s, but what benefit do they provide and why should we be consuming them on a regular basis? Let's take a look at the role they play in maintaining the integrity of and repairing damage to hair, skin and nails. Firstly, what is [...]

Benefits of Fish Oil for Hair, Skin and Nails2011-07-26T04:18:03+00:00

Lifestyle Stress and Managing Your Adrenal Health


By Linda Brown BHSc Complementary Medicine Can you ever remember a time when you have said 'yes' but you really meant 'no'? And perhaps followed through based on obligation and felt resentment afterwards? The recent term for this habit is called 'People Pleasing'. We all like to please others but if (in our perspective) we [...]

Lifestyle Stress and Managing Your Adrenal Health2011-07-13T02:14:26+00:00

Welcome to Vive Health Blog!


Vive Health would like to welcome you to our brand new Blog! We hope that you will enjoy reading about the wonderful way we at Vive approach natural medicine and are able to look and feel better at a result. Please comment as much as you like and let us know if there are any [...]

Welcome to Vive Health Blog!2011-06-16T03:51:08+00:00
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