Mackerel and Quinoa Salad


Quick and Simple Magnesium Rich Meal No. 1 Serves 4 (about 200mg elemental Mg/per serve) Ingredients: 1.5 cups Quinoa (about 300g) 1 Jar Good Fish Spanish Mackerel 160g Baby Spinach 60g Flat Parsley 60g 2Die4 Activated Almonds 60g Pumpkin Seeds 1 Red Capsicum sliced 1 medium Spanish onion finely diced Fresh red Chilli (add to [...]

Mackerel and Quinoa Salad2016-02-05T00:59:37+00:00

Lomi Lomi Massage – the gift of Aloha love!


Aloha All! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner I thought it would be timely to speak about love and in particular the Hawaiian concept of Aloha. The word Aloha is more than just a simple greeting. It literally means “the breath of life.” But more than that, for the Hawaiians, Aloha is a way [...]

Lomi Lomi Massage – the gift of Aloha love!2016-02-04T22:28:38+00:00

Third Trimester Tips


By Nutritionist Megan Crockart It seems for most pregnant ladies the first and third trimesters are the most testing with many changes happening to their body while the baby goes through these stages of growth. I am almost through the third trimester (yes, getting very close and exciting now) and would have to say I [...]

Third Trimester Tips2016-01-28T23:03:31+00:00

The HeArt of Healing (Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage)


What makes Lomi Lomi massage stand out from other forms of massage is that it is a heart-centred form of massage. Lomi Lomi in its traditional pure form is a modality of healing rooted in unconditional love. The body is treated with the utmost respect, as a temple, and the massage is deeply nurturing for [...]

The HeArt of Healing (Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage)2016-01-02T05:40:49+00:00

Gestational Diabetes Diet and Lifestyle Tips


By Nutritionist Megan Crockart Gestational Diabetes ("GD") is now a very common place term - between 5%-8% of pregnant women are developing GD between week 24-28. If you haven't heard of it, it is a form of diabetes that can occur in pregnancy and usually resolves after pregnancy. The placenta can block the mother's body [...]

Gestational Diabetes Diet and Lifestyle Tips2015-12-29T04:18:28+00:00

Organic Makeup to Protect and Nourish Your Skin


The skin is our largest organ and first line of defence to the outside world. So it’s important to consider not only what you are putting into your body, but also what you are putting onto your body. Your skin is there to protect the body from harm and regulate certain internal systems. Certain chemicals [...]

Organic Makeup to Protect and Nourish Your Skin2015-12-08T04:49:32+00:00

Morning Sickness Diet and Lifestyle Tips


By Nutritionist Megan Crockart Congratulations on falling pregnant! Pregnancy is a wonderful time of exciting things to come, but can also be a time of some strange and interesting changes to your body and lifestyle. Pregnancy recommendations If you read my article on Pre-Pregnancy Planning (click here to read) and have been following the recommendations [...]

Morning Sickness Diet and Lifestyle Tips2015-11-27T02:07:10+00:00

Organic Food: The Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen


People often tell us that they can’t afford to buy organic food and complain that healthier food options are expensive. While we understand that at times eating and shopping for healthy alternatives can be dearer than what is available in your average supermarket, it needn’t be. As we know only too well that the health [...]

Organic Food: The Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen2015-11-01T14:34:20+00:00

Super Green Frittata


Ingredients: 1 cup fresh basil leaves 1/2 cup fresh flat leaf parsley 3 green onions, roughly chopped 2 zucchini, roughly chopped 80g baby spinach 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 8 eggs 1/2 cup coconut yoghurt 250g mixed mushrooms, sliced (I used button, swiss brown and Portobello) 200g broccoli, cut into florets 2 garlic cloves, [...]

Super Green Frittata2015-10-28T03:35:14+00:00

5 Health & Wellness Blogs You Should Follow


We may have been in the health and wellness industry a long time (Vive Health turns 10 later this year!) but we still continue to be inspired by some amazing individuals working hard to promote good health. Just like most people, we work hard to avoid spending our downtime online. But like most people, we [...]

5 Health & Wellness Blogs You Should Follow2015-08-02T08:40:56+00:00
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