Salty Goodness


By Mikaela Duffy This week has been salt awareness week, and is a topic I often discuss in clinic.  There are many different salts on the market, and conflicting ideas around safe consumption levels. It is important to remember there is a world of difference between table salt (the regular salt found on supermarket shelves, [...]

Salty Goodness2015-03-31T03:31:56+00:00

Diabetes – Is it all about sugar?


By Megan Crockart, Nutritionist Further to my article last month on Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome, this month I will focus primarily on Type 2 Diabetes. Every day 280 Australians develop diabetes and in the past year 100,000 Australians have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. In 2010, it was estimated worldwide that 285 million [...]

Diabetes – Is it all about sugar?2015-03-02T23:52:27+00:00

What is Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome?


Everyone would have heard of diabetes whether it be type 1 or type 2 (I will go into more detail on these conditions in a coming article), but do you know what Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome are and how they could be silently affecting you or someone you know? What is Insulin Resistance? Insulin [...]

What is Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome?2015-02-05T21:33:02+00:00

3 Habits to Happiness – Part 1


3 HABITS TO HAPPINESS – Part 1: I recently attended a talk by motivational speaker, Gabby Bernstein (go ahead and check her out, she’s a pretty cool chick). In her conversation with us, she spoke about the “When Have’s” conundrum of our era. The “When I have X, then I’ll be Y”. We all know [...]

3 Habits to Happiness – Part 12015-02-05T21:32:02+00:00

Are Supplements Necessary?


From Vital Greens to weight loss pills, a trip to the local health food store or chemist will uncover a baffling array of supplements claiming various effects or results. (This one cures joint pain, that one assists weight loss.) Even at Vive Health we sometimes become overwhelmed with the choices out there for dietary supplements. [...]

Are Supplements Necessary?2015-01-08T06:28:31+00:00

What’s all the fuss about Soy? Part 3 – Thyroid, Heart and Bone Health


By Megan Crockart So this is my third and final piece on soy (for the time being). If you missed Part 1 - genetically modified soy and phyto-oestrogens (click here) and Part 2 - manufacturing and processing (click here). In this article I am focussing on how soy can impact thyroid function, cardiovascular systems and [...]

What’s all the fuss about Soy? Part 3 – Thyroid, Heart and Bone Health2015-01-06T02:40:53+00:00

Making This Christmas Your Best Ever!


To help keep Christmas as harmonious and meaningful as possible, we try to have Christmas plans revolve around being as intentional and authentic as possible. This year for my family, Christmas is about celebrating the good that is in our life right now! And to be with those people and situations that actually bring significance [...]

Making This Christmas Your Best Ever!2014-12-03T07:53:37+00:00

Hypnosis Can Help You Quit Smoking


We all know that there are vey good reasons to stop smoking and yet knowing these reasons is often not enough to make a smoker stop. This is because the part of a person that knows the reason for stopping is not the same part of that person that has the habit to smoke. This [...]

Hypnosis Can Help You Quit Smoking2014-12-03T06:50:19+00:00

Children benefit from massage with Bach Flowers


By Alex Beck-Brandl Stress and anxiety are some of the most talked about problems in today’s society but we might forget that the affects of stress are not limited to adults. Children are under enormous pressure today. Demands by school, sports and private lives are increasing, however children and teenagers may not yet have developed [...]

Children benefit from massage with Bach Flowers2014-11-06T03:59:28+00:00

Austic Septrum Disorder and its link to Digestive Health


By Sandra Wood The term Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) covers a range of disorders including, but not limited to: Sensory Processing Disorder; Autism (Aspergers) and High Functioning Autism. To date there is no recognised single cause of ASD, however genetics and environmental factors have been implicated. “Surveys published in the gastroenterology literature have stated that [...]

Austic Septrum Disorder and its link to Digestive Health2014-11-06T03:58:42+00:00
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