Vitamin D – It's important for me?


By Mikaela Duffy Vitamin D deficiency is surprisingly common amongst Australians, and the problem is on the rise. Despite a mainly sunny climate, we are increasingly reducing our sun exposure by the application of sunscreens, the use of tinted windows or shades, and working indoors to a higher degree than our ancestors. Vitamin D is incredibly [...]

Vitamin D – It's important for me?2014-06-23T23:28:07+00:00

What is Bioregulatory Medicine?


Bioregulatory Medicine is a lesser known, highly specialised naturopathic modality, closely related to traditional homeopathy. Homotoxicology, as it is also known, is a scientifically proven and extensively researched medical practice, originating in Germany. It studies the body’s reaction to the influences of toxic substances. Resulting signs and symptoms and ultimately disease are seen as a [...]

What is Bioregulatory Medicine?2014-06-04T01:25:49+00:00

To Detox or not to Detox?


By Megan Crockart I’ve had clients uncertain as to whether they should do a detox or not.  Some clients want to lose some weight and don’t know where to start first.  In most cases I feel a detox is a great way to start weight loss  A detox program is also beneficial if you are [...]

To Detox or not to Detox?2014-06-04T01:25:29+00:00

Hypnotherapy and Anxiety – Part 1…


By Katina Gleeson Can hypnotherapy assist people experiencing anxiety?  In my experience as a clinical hypnotherapist the answer is yes.  I am keen to share some of my observations about how and why hypnotherapy can be a powerful form of treatment. Let’s first briefly discuss what anxiety is and then take a glimpse at how [...]

Hypnotherapy and Anxiety – Part 1…2014-05-21T02:24:26+00:00

Oats! Are they Gluten Free?


By Megan Crockhart, Nutritionist This is the question being asked quite frequently lately as there are more oat products coming onto the market which are claiming to be gluten free/wheat free. As a general rule of thumb, it has always been the case to advise Coeliacs and gluten intolerant people to avoid all gluten and [...]

Oats! Are they Gluten Free?2014-05-20T23:52:46+00:00

The Fluoride Debate


Fluoride has been added to Brisbane's water supply since December 2008. The debate about whether this form of fluoride is beneficial in our water supply is ongoing, and involves concerns of safety, choice and benefits. In this article we look at exactly what fluoride is, what it is generally used for and why it is [...]

The Fluoride Debate2014-05-05T00:26:44+00:00

Healing Fudge from Julie Phillips


Ok so we know it is going to be a food fest over the next few weeks. So eat well. Healing Fudge Assists in the healing of many digestive issues. Recipe easily multiplies up. 1 cup Organic ghee (ideally homemade) Butter can also be used Room temperature (Summer), gently heat to soften (Winter) [...]

Healing Fudge from Julie Phillips2013-12-11T01:51:52+00:00

Cacao Vs Cocoa The Real Story!


  The growing popularity of cacao powder and its related products came about as a result of a published study in 1996. The study was conducted using the active ingredients found in raw cacao and concluded that cacao polyphenols (active ingredients) had a strong antioxidant action. Cacao could now be considered as a dietary source [...]

Cacao Vs Cocoa The Real Story!2013-09-25T04:05:15+00:00

Want to know the key to good metabolism – take it from an Olympian.


Street gardening in Melbourne Once it is explained in such simple terms it makes put it into action that little bit easier. Sometimes hearing something in a different format makes it easier for us to understand. This is sound advice for a healthy lifestyle; Never get hungry and never get too full if [...]

Want to know the key to good metabolism – take it from an Olympian.2013-07-09T04:03:39+00:00

Workplace Burnout – are you at risk?


By Linda Brown Are you passionate about your work, have clear goals and feel empowered to carry them out? Do you feel connected to your colleagues, stimulated by your work and have a good work/life balance? If you have answered yes to all of these - good for you! If not, read on. We all [...]

Workplace Burnout – are you at risk?2012-10-31T22:18:05+00:00
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