Immunity to Change


By Katina Gleeson | Clinical Hypnotherapist & Mental Health Accredited Social Worker   Authors Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey have written a book with a title that for me powerfully expresses frustrations many people experience: “Immunity to Change”.  In their book they discuss the paradox of how even the most willing people are often [...]

Immunity to Change2017-02-28T01:05:01+00:00

Foods and Supplements for Gut Health


By Megan Crockart | Nutritionist As a natural therapist, gut health is paramount, therefore in my own personal regime, I focus quite strongly on foods and supplements to support good gut health. Plus as a nutritionist gut health and digestive issues is one of my key areas of interest.  In this article I have expanded [...]

Foods and Supplements for Gut Health2017-02-28T00:32:02+00:00

Vive Health – Massage Therapist – Jodie Isles


Dip. In Remedial Massage | NurtureLife® practitioner (Pregnancy massage Australia)   Special interests Remedial massage Deep Tissue massage Relaxation massage Pregnancy massage Massage for Labour (Labour support training) Postnatal massage HICAPS and Health fund rebates are available.   A little about me... After a career in commerce accounting, I decided to follow my passion in [...]

Vive Health – Massage Therapist – Jodie Isles2017-02-09T07:05:19+00:00

Non-negotiable habits that keep the VIVE team healthy


Have you ever wondered about the daily routine of a Naturopath or Nutritionist? The non-negotiable daily habits that keeps their physical and mental health strong and on-track. Are there habits that you would like to implement to help you achieve your health goals? See us in-store if you would like to talk more about these [...]

Non-negotiable habits that keep the VIVE team healthy2017-01-31T07:07:30+00:00

Total Wellness Program


Are your health and wellness goals for 2017 on track? This could be the perfect opportunity for a check-in. If you are unsure, or overwhelmed about where to begin, these Complete Wellness Programs are perfect for you. We’ve teamed up with Cultivate Calm Yoga to offer you a holistic and tailor made wellness plan. Whether [...]

Total Wellness Program2017-01-31T00:38:04+00:00

Natural Pain Relief Options for Labour


By Megan Crockart | Nutritionist I thought I would share a personal experience and give some insight into what natural pain relief options I tried in labour.  I gave birth to my baby boy Thomas just over 10 months ago and I used a variety of natural pain relief options during my labour.  I had [...]

Natural Pain Relief Options for Labour2017-01-30T23:58:54+00:00

A Naturopath's Guide to Better Sleep: Part II


  By Mikaela Duffy | Naturopath & Nutritionist   In my previous article (here), I discuss some fundamental food types that can support and improve sleep, and outline the reasons sleep is so important for our overall health.  It is also important to note that there are different types of insomnia or sleep issues, which [...]

A Naturopath's Guide to Better Sleep: Part II2017-01-19T05:50:26+00:00

30 minute Supplement Check


Have you been self prescribing supplements and find that you aren't really sure why you're taking them anymore? Have you had recommendations by family or friends of a product they are taking and swear by it and you have decided it's a "must" for you to try too? Would you like a qualified practitioner to [...]

30 minute Supplement Check2017-01-06T07:22:04+00:00

Pre- and post-workout nutrition with the VIVE team


It's 2017 - Happy New Year! What does a new year mean for you? Have you made yourself a promise to get fit and healthy, to start an exercise routine, or to up the anti with an existing workout schedule? If so, it's time to think about pre and post work out routines to support [...]

Pre- and post-workout nutrition with the VIVE team2017-01-03T02:14:48+00:00

Be in the Now – Live Life with Awareness


How quickly time seems to pass.  One moment it's Easter then within a blink of an eye it's Christmas and New Year. Being in the present helps to be aware of how you are travelling with your goals, health, wealth, behaviours and life in general.  Otherwise it can feel like it's all just flying by [...]

Be in the Now – Live Life with Awareness2016-12-31T00:48:43+00:00
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