The Freedom of Trauma Resolution


Mentally and emotionally painful experiences, if left unacknowledged and unresolved, can hold us back in many ways. Traumatic memories that are not worked through effectively can manifest their need for attention as physical or psychological symptoms, or as patterns of self-limiting behaviours. Today it is well recognised that psychological trauma can be created by events [...]

The Freedom of Trauma Resolution2015-10-13T03:43:19+00:00

Fostering Mental Wellness in our Kids


Today, October 10th 2015 is World Mental Health Day, which is the perfect way to cap off Mental Health Week. On our television screens the ABC has provided us with Mental As - a week of shows highlighting various issues pertaining to mental health. On Q&A on Monday night, the goal was to ‘shine a [...]

Fostering Mental Wellness in our Kids2015-10-10T01:33:17+00:00

What is Lomi Lomi Bodywork?


This is a question I am asked frequently, and it’s a difficult one to answer. It really does have to be experienced to understand. When I first trained and began massaging, I heard a lot of Lomi Lomi practitioners saying that it was, “The Rolls Royce of massage”. I tended to agree, but couldn’t help [...]

What is Lomi Lomi Bodywork?2015-09-24T07:05:17+00:00

Massage Therapy for Neck Headaches


Credit: Flickr There are many factors that contribute to headaches. One factor is the irritation or inflammation of nerves located in the neck that can actually refer pain into the face and scalp which can shoot up and cause a headache. This is what is referred to as a neck headache. What is a [...]

Massage Therapy for Neck Headaches2015-09-03T13:26:16+00:00

10 Signs of Toxic Behaviour & How To Let Go – Part II


(This article is a two part series. To learn more about the 10 red flags that help you identify whether you or another person is toxic make sure to read Part I here.) What to do if you are in a Toxic Situation? You will know that you are in a toxic situation, if no matter what you try to do [...]

10 Signs of Toxic Behaviour & How To Let Go – Part II2015-08-19T14:32:40+00:00

10 Signs of Toxic Behaviour & How To Let Go – Part I


Are you caught up in a toxic relationship, workplace, friendship or family? Toxic people use their defences to repel you from their lives or control you to stay in their lives. It’s basically a defence mechanism they have developed from years of themselves feeling worthless, inferior, sad, destructive and unable to get their needs met [...]

10 Signs of Toxic Behaviour & How To Let Go – Part I2015-08-12T05:21:16+00:00

The Gift of Resilience


Resilience… it is a far reaching concept.  What enables us, as individuals, as families, and as communities to survive and adapt well in the face of adversity?  Or for that matter, how do we get through each passing day in our modern world of high-stress, fast-paced activity, over stimulation and seemingly endless demands – and [...]

The Gift of Resilience2015-08-09T08:19:16+00:00

Helping Others Cope With Their Grief


One night, when I was twenty, my dad uttered a sentence to me that in a split-second thrust me into a world of overwhelming pain, shock, denial and bewilderment. “Your brother has died”. To say I was unprepared for this devastating turn of events is an understatement, and of course it is not possible to [...]

Helping Others Cope With Their Grief2015-07-17T22:15:36+00:00

Introducing Nicki McCosker-Dell, Counsellor


Hi I am Nicki and I am very excited to join the Vive team! I’m a qualified counsellor and my special interests span from trauma and grief counselling to proactive mental wellness creation. In each and every client counselling session my goal is to help my clients become more resilient, and to empower them with [...]

Introducing Nicki McCosker-Dell, Counsellor2015-06-26T05:12:27+00:00

Relax, Refresh and Renew – Relaxation Massage


Do you need a relaxing break from the stresses of everyday life? Treat yourself with a 60 minute Relaxation Massage! Elisa’s July 2015 special: 60 minutes Relaxation Massage for $60 (Normal price $90 per hour – Elisa is a fully qualified Remedial Massage Therapist) Enjoy a relaxing and pampering experience and recover from the stresses [...]

Relax, Refresh and Renew – Relaxation Massage2015-06-26T01:28:18+00:00
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