New Year Detox Programs by Clinical Nutritionist Megan Crockart
vive2023-01-07T22:47:11+00:00Clinical Nutritionist Megan Crockart is reviving her much loved 4 Week Detox Program! You can choose to do this in person or online. This is a 1:1 program not a group program. What to expect: In Person Package – Valued at $360 Discounted price $280: Full initial consultation with detailed health history – [...]
Breathe Your Way to Less Injuries and Better Performance
vive2022-12-03T06:05:03+00:00by Hudson Graham. Physiotherapist. Breathing… the essential process that allows life as we know it. It allows us to push our bodies through the rigors of training and racing. It is well known that the diaphragm is the primary muscle for respiration. It drives the process of gas exchange supplying much needed oxygen to hard [...]
Is there a difference between a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Dietician?
vive2022-10-28T01:11:18+00:00The question often gets asked what is the difference between naturopaths, nutritionists and dieticians? Are they all the same with different names or are they different specialties? There does seem to be some confusion between these three different modalities. Here is some insight so it may make things clearer, particularly if you are considering [...]
Melatonin – Do I need to supplement?
vive2022-09-02T01:32:20+00:00Most people I work with in clinic have trouble sleeping. They either can’t fall asleep or they can’t stay asleep. The first thing that comes to mind is Melatonin. What is Melatonin? It is a hormone produced by the pineal gland. Throughout early life it is made in abundance and hence why babies and young [...]
A Guide to Starting Your Preconception Journey
vive2022-04-29T23:39:29+00:00Planning a bubba soon? Here is what you need to know before you start. Preconception care is an undeniably important aspect of fertility and conception. Not only does it boost both you and you partners (yes, preconception care includes your partner) health but has also been shown to improve health outcomes of your baby through [...]
Intestinal Permeability aka Leaky Gut
vive2022-04-29T23:43:18+00:00Intestinal permeability is what you will find if you want to do research on this topic, but more well known as Leaky Gut. What is Leaky Gut? We are born with a leaky gut – gaps in the intestinal wall (tight junctions) to allow nutrition through into our bloodstream, but as we grow these tight [...]
Vitamin A – One of the Least Known Vitamins
vive2022-04-29T23:44:37+00:00Vitamin A appears to be one of the least known vitamins. Everyone knows of it, but not what it does and how important it is. Many people think that beta-carotene is “vitamin A”. It’s not technically vitamin A but is a precursor that gets changed into the body into vitamin A via several chemical processes. [...]
How our response to threat can help us understand how we might be feeling in the pandemic
vive2022-04-29T23:49:19+00:00I have previously written about our body’s automatic responses to threat. I am re-sharing that article below and will add some more information specific to our current experiences. People I work with are often very confused about themselves and why they do what they do, for instance continue to smoke, overeat or eat unhealthy foods, [...]
Children and Herbal Treatments
vive2022-04-29T23:53:51+00:00As many of you know, at VIVE we love making herbal formulas to support the health of our customers. Matt, Mindy, Georgie, Linda and Marilyn are Herbalists that have years of experience with the strength and ability of herbs to support wellness. We now have an herbal dispensary with herbs that are not in alcohol [...]