Why Dietary Fibre Is The Key To Long-Term Health


What is Dietary Fibre? Dietary fibre is the part in fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, cereals and legumes that is not digestible by humans.  It is also known as roughage and passes through the digestive tract and along the way it soaks up toxins and carries them out of the body. Types of Dietary Fibre & [...]

Why Dietary Fibre Is The Key To Long-Term Health2019-05-29T22:56:44+00:00

How to Help Your Body Manage Stress & Build Resilience To Prevent Burnout


Lets face it, our modern day lives are pretty stressful, they may not appear to be obviously stressful to many of us but boy are we overstimulated. You can only truly recognise this when you step away from everyday life (the noise, sounds, imagery, thoughts etc. etc.) & experience true stillness. In order to maintain our [...]

How to Help Your Body Manage Stress & Build Resilience To Prevent Burnout2019-05-21T01:11:56+00:00

Slippery Elm | Why It's One Of Our Most Recommended Products!


I’m sure many of us have heard or even tried Slippery Elm before? As a Naturopath it’s one of our secret weapons. It’s a true chameleon in the gut. With the capacity to address a number of common digestive complaints including constipation, loose bowels & reflux. It’s gentle, very easy to incorporate into the daily [...]

Slippery Elm | Why It's One Of Our Most Recommended Products!2019-05-15T03:13:18+00:00

Our Hierarchy of Responses to Threat | Katina Gleeson


People I work with are often very confused about themselves and why they do what they do, for instance continue to smoke, overeat or eat unhealthy foods, feel anxious or get angry. In trying to make sense of this confusion I often see people create quite harsh narratives about why they fail to achieve what [...]

Our Hierarchy of Responses to Threat | Katina Gleeson2019-03-29T01:24:34+00:00

The Benefits of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids + Bonus Recipe


As we all know Omega 3 essential fatty acids are crucial to be included in the human diet.  But do you eat fish 3-4 times a week to maintain good levels of these Omega 3’s?  Do you have a fish allergy or just don’t want to eat fish? There are other foods that also contain [...]

The Benefits of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids + Bonus Recipe2019-03-28T23:50:17+00:00

Medicinal Mushrooms | How To Choose The Right Mushroom For Your Health (Part 1)


Medicinal mushrooms are fast becoming a staple supplement in many peoples regimes. To help support wellbeing & vitality as well as successfully treat a myriad of health concerns. Medicinal mushrooms have been utilised in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Over the past few decades a number of clinical studies, [...]

Medicinal Mushrooms | How To Choose The Right Mushroom For Your Health (Part 1)2019-03-05T21:57:29+00:00

Cooking with Medicinal Herbs….That Aren't Ginger or Turmeric


Spices have been traditionally used medicinally for centuries with knowledge handed down generation by generation. They didn’t need scientific studies to know these natural plants worked, they just did. Each plant, seeds, berry and root containing multiple medicinal compounds and oils that exhibit anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-microbial and anti-allergy action (plus many more!) Now with [...]

Cooking with Medicinal Herbs….That Aren't Ginger or Turmeric2019-01-31T03:44:10+00:00

How Collagen Hydrolysate Can Improve Joint Mobility, Digestive Function & Skin Health


Collagen. It seems to be the new kid on the health block, popping up in everything, from bars to smoothies to supplements, you name it. Collagen has been added to it. With that being said however there has been a significant amount of exciting & positive research  that's been surfacing over the last decade with [...]

How Collagen Hydrolysate Can Improve Joint Mobility, Digestive Function & Skin Health2019-01-31T03:12:37+00:00

The Unconscious Mind Unlocked | Katina Gleesson


by Katina Gleeson (Focus Hypnotherapy) To contact or book a consult with Katina click here What is the unconscious mind? The fascination of what “lurks beneath” goes back thousands of years. Our earliest glance at it dates back to AD 130-200 Greece. However, it was via Sigmund Freud that we encountered the construction of the other [...]

The Unconscious Mind Unlocked | Katina Gleesson2019-01-04T02:19:57+00:00

Our Favourite Summer Smoothie Recipes


It's good ol' smoothie season again & we couldn't be more excited! Not only are they super delicious & refreshing (this time of year especially) but smoothies are a fantastic way to jam pack nutrients into your day. To make the perfect satisfying smoothie you'll be needing the perfect you have a balance of protein, [...]

Our Favourite Summer Smoothie Recipes2018-11-17T03:41:57+00:00
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