What’s all the fuss about Soy?


by Megan Crockart Soy beans are getting some bad press - there seems to be confusion whether they are healthy to eat or pose possible health concerns. Soy beans have been around many years, the Chinese started farming them around 1100BC! In the 1940’s America’s soy farming took off. Soybean meal is the most widely [...]

What’s all the fuss about Soy?2014-10-02T22:27:38+00:00

Starting You Baby on Solids!?


Commonly babies start on solid foods between 4-6 months of age, when parents notice their child beginning to stare at or reach for food, or perhaps fussing or hungry after a feed. These are all signs that bub is ready to explore the world of solids! Interestingly, research suggests that formula babies are earlier weaners, [...]

Starting You Baby on Solids!?2014-10-02T22:27:10+00:00

Oats! Are they Gluten Free?


By Megan Crockhart, Nutritionist This is the question being asked quite frequently lately as there are more oat products coming onto the market which are claiming to be gluten free/wheat free. As a general rule of thumb, it has always been the case to advise Coeliacs and gluten intolerant people to avoid all gluten and [...]

Oats! Are they Gluten Free?2014-05-20T23:52:46+00:00

MTHFR and fertility


'MTHFR and fertility' In 2003 a genetic study called the Human Genome Project was completed.  Via that study, they discovered a common polymorphism in an important gene for health and well-being. When working correctly, the MTHFR gene begins a multi-step process (aka methylation) which simply means the MTHFR enzyme works with folate, to break it [...]

MTHFR and fertility2014-03-30T00:05:36+00:00

Hazelnut Chocolate Tart; simple and healthy.. mmmmm


with coconut and chocolate goodness!! Hazelnut chocolate Tart Makes one 35cm x 12 cm tart Ingredients: Base 220 g hazelnut meal 30 g shredded coconut 40 g raw cacao powder 50 g raw coconut sugar 2 tbsp coconut oil pinch of salt Filling: 1 x can full fat coconut cream 280 g 85% [...]

Hazelnut Chocolate Tart; simple and healthy.. mmmmm2013-11-14T03:57:18+00:00

Colonic Irrigation; more important than you realise.


Your bowel could need help without you being aware of it. Do you suffer from any of these complaints? Migraines Backaches Constipation IBS Low immunity Sinuses Lack of energy Weight problems Bloatedness Allergies Depression? The trouble is that few people realize their bowel is clogged - the reality is that very few of [...]

Colonic Irrigation; more important than you realise.2013-11-06T09:58:20+00:00

Hay Fever? how to beat it!


I know it's kind of gross but trust me there were worse. It's that time of year where the winds and those beautiful flowers start to reek havoc on those of us that are susceptible to hay fever. Last year we did an awesome little blog post on what you could do diet [...]

Hay Fever? how to beat it!2013-10-24T02:22:39+00:00

Cacao Vs Cocoa The Real Story!


  The growing popularity of cacao powder and its related products came about as a result of a published study in 1996. The study was conducted using the active ingredients found in raw cacao and concluded that cacao polyphenols (active ingredients) had a strong antioxidant action. Cacao could now be considered as a dietary source [...]

Cacao Vs Cocoa The Real Story!2013-09-25T04:05:15+00:00

Teenage Skin Care


  Gentle enough for everyone in the family to be able to use. A part of growing up is the level of hormones in both girls and boys increase. Boys have the same amount of testosterone as a grown man by the time they are 12, Steve Biddulph. So a way to stay [...]

Teenage Skin Care2013-09-04T02:10:06+00:00

Vital Greens


I have been taking Vital Greens almost every morning for the last three years. I would go as far as to say it the one whole food supplement that I simply cannot function without. Every now and then I do run out and have a few days when I don't get my green fix. Let's [...]

Vital Greens2013-06-25T00:55:22+00:00
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