Hazelnut Chocolate Tart; simple and healthy.. mmmmm


with coconut and chocolate goodness!! Hazelnut chocolate Tart Makes one 35cm x 12 cm tart Ingredients: Base 220 g hazelnut meal 30 g shredded coconut 40 g raw cacao powder 50 g raw coconut sugar 2 tbsp coconut oil pinch of salt Filling: 1 x can full fat coconut cream 280 g 85% [...]

Hazelnut Chocolate Tart; simple and healthy.. mmmmm2013-11-14T03:57:18+00:00

Coconut Oil and all it's goodness.


Coconut water and Coconut Oil has been getting a lot of press lately hailing it's miracle benefits. What Nutritionist Megan Crockart discusses across a 3 part series is the different coconut products on the market now and their benefits. Coconuts are actually a fruit not a true nut as nuts do not open at maturity [...]

Coconut Oil and all it's goodness.2013-05-14T03:09:42+00:00
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