How to Make Your Own Gut Loving Kombucha


At Vive we absolutely adore Kombucha! Not only is it super refreshing (especially this time of year) & delicious but its contains a wide variety of gut loving bacteria & enzymes which assist in the maintenance of a healthy digestive tract. Ingredients 1 cup Organic Raw Sugar** 5-8 Organic Black Tea Bags (green tea or [...]

How to Make Your Own Gut Loving Kombucha2018-11-16T08:08:03+00:00

How to Detoxify Naturally for Better Energy, Digestion & Mood


by Leia Mulroy (Clinical Nutritionist) To book with Leia click here It's no secret that we now live in a world where our exposure to toxicity is reaching an all time high. Chemicals can be found absolutely everywhere from in our cosmetic & beauty products to our workplace & on our daily commute to [...]

How to Detoxify Naturally for Better Energy, Digestion & Mood2018-10-29T04:07:06+00:00

What You Need to Know about Supplementing with Beetroot Juice


Matt Steinacher | Naturopath + Nutritionist Beetroot juice is a rich natural source of Nitrate that may be converted to nitrite and then further metabolised to produce Nitric Oxide in the body.  Nitric oxide is thought to be a useful for exercise and performance however the literature on nitric oxide’s use as an ergogenic is [...]

What You Need to Know about Supplementing with Beetroot Juice2018-09-03T00:19:20+00:00

Lowering LDL Cholesterol with Phytosterols


Marilyn Lemaire (Master Herbalist) Phytosterols are compounds that have a similar chemical structure to cholesterol.  They are found in significant doses in vegetable oils such wheat germ oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, corn oil, almond oil and olive oil.  They are also found in in smaller amounts in vegetables and fruits. Phytosterols have the ability [...]

Lowering LDL Cholesterol with Phytosterols2018-07-02T01:01:11+00:00

Vive Health – Nutritionist – Megan Crockart


        Megan has always held an interest in food (a self confessed "Foodie" but also years of home cooking) along with health, fitness and exercise.  Megan was drawn to natural therapies as they can be used for so many conditions, not just one illness/condition with rarely the side effects pharmaceutical drugs have, [...]

Vive Health – Nutritionist – Megan Crockart2018-06-16T01:00:38+00:00

Cold & Flu Prevention 101 | Our Top Tips


Yes, it's that time of year again.....the cold & flu session is getting scarily close. Luckily there is so much we can do to help prevent getting sick & also help our body recover, if in fact we do get sick.  Here are our top tips for getting through the flu session in-one-piece.     [...]

Cold & Flu Prevention 101 | Our Top Tips2018-05-21T01:29:27+00:00

The Impact of Chronic Stress on your Health


Mindy Duncan | Clinical Naturopath Stress is something we’ve become all too familiar with as it now appears to be a permanent phenomenon of modern life. It’s very normal to experience stress. The human body was built to cope brilliantly with a certain amount of daily stress. After all, it’s how we build resilience & [...]

The Impact of Chronic Stress on your Health2018-03-29T08:17:37+00:00

Resistant Starch | The Key to Sustainable Weight Loss


Mindy Duncan | Clinical Naturopath We talk a lot about prebiotics, in fact, you can read all about them here. But it's time we expanded on this topic & broke it down even further. Resistant starches, a type of prebiotic, have been a topic of conservation for some time now & for great reason. Research [...]

Resistant Starch | The Key to Sustainable Weight Loss2018-02-22T07:13:42+00:00

It’s time to focus on a better you | February Special


Did you make a new year’s resolution to improve your health….. but you are not sure where to start? Naturopath Therese Hodgkinson can help guide you along your health journey. Therese uses a balanced yet professional approach to improve overall health & well being. She has seen both sides of the “health coin” by working [...]

It’s time to focus on a better you | February Special2018-01-29T04:51:26+00:00

Pre-Diabetes | The Epidemic We All Need To Be Aware Of & What We Can Do To Prevent It


by Marilyn Lemaire (Master Herbalist) The Australian Diabetic website states: “PreDiabetes is a condition that affects approximately 2,000,000 Australians and it has no signs or symptoms”.  It is a serious condition that can lead to Type II Diabetes unless it is successfully managed.  The condition is diagnosed when an individual has higher than normal “blood [...]

Pre-Diabetes | The Epidemic We All Need To Be Aware Of & What We Can Do To Prevent It2018-01-27T05:17:16+00:00
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