The Main Ingredients In Cosmetics To Avoid & Why


The natural beauty market has grown exponentially over the past few years, with consumers demanding more natural alternatives & better transparency when it comes to what they are putting on their bodies. In the commercial skincare & beauty market, there are a number of ingredients that have been tagged as potentially dangerous or harmful to [...]

The Main Ingredients In Cosmetics To Avoid & Why2019-12-03T23:22:20+00:00

Slippery Elm | Why It's One Of Our Most Recommended Products!


I’m sure many of us have heard or even tried Slippery Elm before? As a Naturopath it’s one of our secret weapons. It’s a true chameleon in the gut. With the capacity to address a number of common digestive complaints including constipation, loose bowels & reflux. It’s gentle, very easy to incorporate into the daily [...]

Slippery Elm | Why It's One Of Our Most Recommended Products!2019-05-15T03:13:18+00:00

The Benefits of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids + Bonus Recipe


As we all know Omega 3 essential fatty acids are crucial to be included in the human diet.  But do you eat fish 3-4 times a week to maintain good levels of these Omega 3’s?  Do you have a fish allergy or just don’t want to eat fish? There are other foods that also contain [...]

The Benefits of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids + Bonus Recipe2019-03-28T23:50:17+00:00

Resistant Starch | The Key to Sustainable Weight Loss


Mindy Duncan | Clinical Naturopath We talk a lot about prebiotics, in fact, you can read all about them here. But it's time we expanded on this topic & broke it down even further. Resistant starches, a type of prebiotic, have been a topic of conservation for some time now & for great reason. Research [...]

Resistant Starch | The Key to Sustainable Weight Loss2018-02-22T07:13:42+00:00
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