Is Salt Good or Bad for You? | Balancing Nutrition


 by Megan Crockart | Balancing Nutrition Is salt good or bad for you?  Which type of salt is better?  These are some of the most common questions I get asked about salt. These days there are so many options out there, it's difficult to know which one is best. Unfortunately, salt has developed a reputation [...]

Is Salt Good or Bad for You? | Balancing Nutrition2019-08-01T07:34:33+00:00

Medicinal Mushrooms | How To Choose The Right Mushroom For Your Health (Part 1)


Medicinal mushrooms are fast becoming a staple supplement in many peoples regimes. To help support wellbeing & vitality as well as successfully treat a myriad of health concerns. Medicinal mushrooms have been utilised in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Over the past few decades a number of clinical studies, [...]

Medicinal Mushrooms | How To Choose The Right Mushroom For Your Health (Part 1)2019-03-05T21:57:29+00:00

How Collagen Hydrolysate Can Improve Joint Mobility, Digestive Function & Skin Health


Collagen. It seems to be the new kid on the health block, popping up in everything, from bars to smoothies to supplements, you name it. Collagen has been added to it. With that being said however there has been a significant amount of exciting & positive research  that's been surfacing over the last decade with [...]

How Collagen Hydrolysate Can Improve Joint Mobility, Digestive Function & Skin Health2019-01-31T03:12:37+00:00

Our Favourite Summer Smoothie Recipes


It's good ol' smoothie season again & we couldn't be more excited! Not only are they super delicious & refreshing (this time of year especially) but smoothies are a fantastic way to jam pack nutrients into your day. To make the perfect satisfying smoothie you'll be needing the perfect you have a balance of protein, [...]

Our Favourite Summer Smoothie Recipes2018-11-17T03:41:57+00:00

It’s time to focus on a better you | February Special


Did you make a new year’s resolution to improve your health….. but you are not sure where to start? Naturopath Therese Hodgkinson can help guide you along your health journey. Therese uses a balanced yet professional approach to improve overall health & well being. She has seen both sides of the “health coin” by working [...]

It’s time to focus on a better you | February Special2018-01-29T04:51:26+00:00

Pre-Diabetes | The Epidemic We All Need To Be Aware Of & What We Can Do To Prevent It


by Marilyn Lemaire (Master Herbalist) The Australian Diabetic website states: “PreDiabetes is a condition that affects approximately 2,000,000 Australians and it has no signs or symptoms”.  It is a serious condition that can lead to Type II Diabetes unless it is successfully managed.  The condition is diagnosed when an individual has higher than normal “blood [...]

Pre-Diabetes | The Epidemic We All Need To Be Aware Of & What We Can Do To Prevent It2018-01-27T05:17:16+00:00

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)


  by Leia Mulroy (Nutritionist) Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is defined as the presence of an abnormally high number of bacteria in the small bowel. What is unique about SIBO is that the excessive numbers of bacteria colonizing the small intestine, a region usually containing few bacterial populations, are the species that are predominantly [...]

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)2017-11-03T04:31:16+00:00

Post-flu Recovery – Tips & Tricks


 Mindy Duncan (Naturopath) It’s been a really rough flu season this year, with the most recorded cases of Influenza A in almost 15 years. I think it's fair to say most of us need some time to recover & recuperate. A common scenario we see in here at Vive are those who have contracted the [...]

Post-flu Recovery – Tips & Tricks2017-09-03T04:52:41+00:00
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