Organic Food: The Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen


People often tell us that they can’t afford to buy organic food and complain that healthier food options are expensive. While we understand that at times eating and shopping for healthy alternatives can be dearer than what is available in your average supermarket, it needn’t be. As we know only too well that the health [...]

Organic Food: The Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen2015-11-01T14:34:20+00:00

10 Easy Steps Towards Sustainable Living


More people than ever before are concerned about the environmental and social implications of our modern lifestyles. With the majority of world scientists in agreement about climate change and governments scrambling to find a way to combat the problem, it is little wonder that an increasing number of Australians are taking matters into their own [...]

10 Easy Steps Towards Sustainable Living2015-02-26T23:37:12+00:00

Top 5 Reasons to Buy Local Organic Food


Do you make a conscious effort to buy local organic produce? If you do, you join a growing community of Australians who care about a sustainable local food economy that promotes health and well-being as well as respecting soil and our natural environment. At Vive Health, we believe in food that nourishes and helps people [...]

Top 5 Reasons to Buy Local Organic Food2015-02-12T11:17:59+00:00

Organic Foods Versus Whole Foods


With the plethora of food terminology and food labeling out there it can get confusing trying to decipher exactly what businesses are trying to communicate. Words start to take on the same meanings because marketing companies and businesses are using them interchangeably, even though there are particular differences in word definitions. We often get new [...]

Organic Foods Versus Whole Foods2014-05-01T23:03:33+00:00

Recipe of the Week – Vegetable Broth/Soup


Try this yummy winter warmer! Nutrition packed and perfect for cold nights :) Serves 6-8 2 cups potatoes, cut into small chunks 1 large onion, sliced 2 medium carrots, sliced 1-2 stalks of celery 1 clove garlic, crushed 5-6 shiitake mushroom stems (optional) 1-2 zucchinis, sliced 2 cups green cabbage, sliced (or other greens such [...]

Recipe of the Week – Vegetable Broth/Soup2012-06-14T04:04:48+00:00
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