Black Adder Tea


Mmmm liquorice tea. (BBC)  I've never been a huge fan of liquorice flavour, especially as a kid. Thank goodness we grow up and out taste buds develop because I can't even begin to imagine a world without my favourite tea of all time, Black Adder. I discovered it by accident one day when [...]

Black Adder Tea2013-07-03T06:29:10+00:00

Eco Tan


Safe tanning product ECO Tan If you want to look sun kissed all year round but worried about the damage too much sun exposure can cause your skin than ECO Tan is the product for you! This natural tanning lotion is free from harmful chemicals and uses only organic cacao, herbs, flower and [...]

Eco Tan2013-07-03T02:40:39+00:00

Clove Oil for Mould.


Eco cleaning for the busiest room in the house. Remove mould from hard surfaces If you can, first clean the surfaces with a mixture of 4 litres of hot water, 1 tablespoon bicarb of soda and half a cup of vinegar. Mix a quarter teaspoon of Oil of Cloves (no more) per litre [...]

Clove Oil for Mould.2013-07-03T02:13:41+00:00

Al'Chemy Hair Care Range


Al'Chemy Hair Care Range Struggling to find the perfect shampoo & conditioner to help restore dry and damaged hair? Al'chemy Hair care range is by far one of the best I have found on the market and will leave your hair incredibly soft for days. This beautiful range is enriched with certified organic floral extracts, [...]

Al'Chemy Hair Care Range2013-06-03T04:37:07+00:00

Kelp Noodles; Kung Fu Panda Style


Kelp Noodles I recently discovered kelp noodles when I was looking for something to spice up my weekly dinners without adding in extra carbohydrates at night time (I was on a weight loss mission!). These super low calorie, mineral dense noodles are a great addition to stir-frys, salads, soups and any dish really as their [...]

Kelp Noodles; Kung Fu Panda Style2013-05-27T02:06:58+00:00

Poached Pear Recipe.


Staying warm and healthy. Poached Pears in Sugar Free Syrup Serves 4 4 Buerre Bosc pears Lemon juice 1 cup xylitol 6 cups water 1 Vanilla bean pod 1 Cinnamon stick Peel each pear starting from the stem and peeling downwards. Drizzle each pear with a little lemon juice to help from going [...]

Poached Pear Recipe.2013-05-20T23:58:45+00:00

What's in season fruit and vege wise..


What is In Season for May; Although there are only 2 weeks of May left, most of the organic fruit and vegetables for winter start in May. Check out apples and pears, which are flourishing now! Good reason to make our Poached Pear recipe!   Fruit Variety/Comment Vegetables Variety/Comment Apples Fuji, Granny Smith, Gala, Jonathan, [...]

What's in season fruit and vege wise..2013-05-20T23:46:45+00:00

Coconut Oil and all it's goodness.


Coconut water and Coconut Oil has been getting a lot of press lately hailing it's miracle benefits. What Nutritionist Megan Crockart discusses across a 3 part series is the different coconut products on the market now and their benefits. Coconuts are actually a fruit not a true nut as nuts do not open at maturity [...]

Coconut Oil and all it's goodness.2013-05-14T03:09:42+00:00
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